Welcome to Sushi Side Notes - a blog from Standing Sushi Bar

Sushi side notes

Thanks for journeying to our little corner of the internet. We hope to offer interesting tidbits about sushi, Japanese food, and what’s happening at Standing Sushi Bar, but likely I (the owner, Howard) am going to end up rambling about all kinds of things.

As we hit our fifteenth year of operating a Japanese restaurant in Singapore, it makes us nostalgic for when we first started. These were the years before Instagram, social media videos, influencers, and almost everything that modern restaurant outreach is dependent on. Hence, the launch (or re-launch?) of our blog!

The first branch of Standing Sushi Bar in Singapore was located at OUB Centre which is now called One Raffles Place. SSB opened in August 2009.

The first branch of Standing Sushi Bar in Singapore was located at OUB Centre which is now called One Raffles Place. SSB opened in August 2009.