standing sushi bar

all-day omakase

Our sushi omakase is available Tuesday - Sunday at Odeon Towers. please note reservations are recommended for omakase. we may have limited walk-in availability for omakase as well.

Lunch Seatings: 12 PM and 1:15 PM

Dinner Seatings: 6:00 PM, 7:15pm and 8:30 PM

to make a booking, select “omakase” as the service. omakase is only available via the omakase section as we are limited to 10 seats per dining period. omakase is not available in the main restaurant section. omakase is only available at odeon towers.

please note dining time for first lunch seating is limited to 1 hour
Please note dining time for first and second dinner seating is limited to 1 hour

Standing Sushi Bar features an aburi sushi omakase where each piece is seared and served with a pairing sauce
Omakase from Standing Sushi Bar - starting from 48 SGD
Omakase menu at Standing Sushi Bar